Thinking Ahead - Orion Ace

 Orion Ace is a planned Public Relations company specialized in small, local businesses and aiming to increase name recognition and sales. Orion Ace mainly focuses on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and social media management. However, the company is no stranger to crisis management. 

The company's name, particularly the "ace" part, refers to the company high goals and hard work ethic - the mindset of success. Orion Ace strives to take small businesses owned by WNY locals and set them up for a successful, profitable future via social media, sale, and customer service methods. In order to create the best plan for each individual client, Orion Ace makes decisions based solely on your business. 

The logo designs are meant to reflect the company's goals as well as be aesthetically pleasing. The first designs uses a simply playing card design. This design plays into the "ace" them in the name of the company. The second design uses a star shape. This goes along with the space theme from Orion. The background of the star would be a gradient with the company name over top. The third design is a shooting star, with the name trailing behind the star. This design would likely include a brighter color for the tail on the star. 


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